Switch to Sitedrive: Your Next-Generation Scheduling Solution

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Transition with Ease from Vico Planner

Sitedrive is your seamless alternative to Vico Planner, offering intuitive, real-time scheduling and location-based project management. Embrace efficiency with a tool designed from builders to builders.

Location-Based Management

Plan work packages by floors, apartments, or custom zones. Sitedrive allows for precise planning across different types of spaces.

Versatile Schedule Views

Switch between different views easily: Flowline, Gantt, and Takt. Adapt your perspective with filters for locations and tasks and focus on what matters.

Quantity-Based Scheduling
(Coming Spring 2024)

Get an accurate schedule for your project based on your bill of quantities. Allocate tasks to specific zones and areas within a project to create your location-based schedule from the quantities. Sitedrive helps you to:

  • Plan your schedules from bill of quantities
  • Manage location-specific schedules in variant resolution-levels
  • Resource work according to the schedule and production plans
  • Generate detailed reports and graphs for schedule status, crew specific progression, and resource usage

Real-time Schedule in Every Pocket

Assign tasks, report progress, and update readiness levels in real-time. You can use Sitedrive in a browser or the Sitedrive App, which ensures that schedules are accessible to all stakeholders anytime and anywhere.

Already trusted by 250+ sites

  • Does Sitedrive offer the same features and capabilities as Vico Planner?


    Absolutely, and it’s not just an alternative; it’s an upgrade. Sitedrive has similar logic and functionalities as Vico Planner, with additional features to enhance usability and collaboration. All features will be available by June.

  • Can I migrate my schedule from Vico to Sitedrive?


    Yes, transitioning your schedules from Vico to Sitedrive is straightforward. You can import your data seamlessly using spreadsheets.

Get a demo of Sitedrive

Don’t just take our word for it – get a demo of Sitedrive and see how it helps you to reduce construction times.

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